Project Info
Certified AWS developers | AWS lambda layers programmers
Custom AWS developers.
We can customize AWS VPC setup.
We can create AWS VPC peering networks.
Can create VPN connection for securely connecting on premise network to aws VPC
Can setup VPC for redshift cluster
Can setup auto scaling aws ec2 instances
Can use Ansible
Can setup elastic load balancer and can load/stress test it too
Can manage and install and customize docker images on AWS
Can use aws glue to connect and transform existing huge amount of data
Can output redshift cluster data to aws S3
Can use aws Athena to query large data in S3 using sql
Use aws glue to ETL data from redshift to S3 or redshift to postresql
Can convert redshift sql schema to other database formats
Can work with big data using aws
Can use AWS kinesis to observe and analyze data
Can convert existing scripts to aws lambda
Can create AWS lambda layers scripts to import huge amounts of data
Can create aws lambda layers scripts for getting data to or from redshift cluster to postgresql
Can setup wordpress multiuser site with ssl and autoscaling in aws
Can move your existing on premise data and replicate your existing infrastructure in aws
Can custom design your required cloud architecture
Can create aws cloudformation templates
Can automate tasks using AWS CLI and boto scripts
Can move your scripts from digitalocean to amazon aws
Can move your scripts from linode to amazon aws
Can setup static websites using amazon aws s3
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